Sarah Hibner

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Project Title

My 2019 Year in Commuting Infographic

Project Date

I started and completed this project in January 2020


I figured out how much I spent on commuting without owning a car in 2019 and visualized it in an interactive infographic.

Design Approach

I knew I wanted to create a dashboard-like composition that erred more towards a vertical infographic structure. It took about three hours to tabulate and break my data up into meaningful categories in a spreadsheet. It took another three-ish hours to design the initial charts in Figma. Lastly, it took me about five-ish hours to build the charts in ZingChart, mainly because I don't know JavaScript very well, and because I haven't tried a project at this scale before.

Design Challenges

The hardest part about this project for me was twofold: deciding which data to include or exclude from my final set, and then deciding the best chart type to represent that data.


Figma, Apple Numbers, ZingChart, Coda 2, MAMP, HTML, Javascript & CSS


The overall aesthetic for this project was inspired by two main sources. The first is Datalands, a data visualization design agency based in NYC. The second is "Bauhaus Ballet," a pop-up children’s book by Lesley Barnes & Gabby Dawnay.

Wireframe of an infographic of my commuting expenditure data from 2019